Saturday, January 8, 2011

~Yet More Love 2 Give~

Well I am very new to this blogging thingy, haven't done it yet so bare with me as I check it out......

Hello and Thanks For Stoppin' by........ (hehe)

First of all I would like to Thank my loving Wife-2-Be Jaime, without you I wouldnt of made it out alive(or without being commited) I Love You and want to say Thank You & I Love You! <3
Also thx for forgetting the bad hormonal times(like the time i tried to smother you with a pillow in my sleep, and all the slushy & chocolate runs) and wanting to stick around for another round : )

As most people reading this will know, I am a 24yr old mom of 2 beautiful children & a surro-mum of two.
Well as most people are aware of... I'm back for more.. this old uterus hasnt quite had enough yet : )

We had a transfer in November and it sadly was negative, we are happy and looking forward to another go..this one WILL work, the lil' embryo's are so loved already, they have no choice : )

& I need to give a BIG SHOUT OUT 2 my girl Angele!!
Thx for the OnceUponAUterus name...
2nd in the runnign was FromMyPinkVelvetSausageWallet2UrArms, we figured it was a lil' too much, no?! lol

So i had Twins on June 4th 2010, they are beautiful and healthy and went home the next day. I love them dearly and am enjoying watching them thrive in their loving home.

Well now that my surrobabes are about 7 months old I have decided to help another family, met an absolutely amazing couple who deserve to be a family. So here's to you guys....... It's gunna be a great adventure! :D

Well thats all I've got for now, have a great night and I'll post again soon <3
